To protect your child, you are required to submit attendance reports.
You are required to report to us the total number of days you conducted learning activities throughout the school year. Simple online reports are all that is required. These are due no later that the 5th day after the end of each month or quarter, depending upon which reporting method is most convenient for you.
As a private school in Colorado, the local school board can request us to provide enrollment and attendance information. If we cannot verify enrollment or produce required information to the district, the district could proceed with truancy charges against your child. The Department of Social Services (DSS) could become involved in the situation under the pretense of educational neglect against the parents.
For your convenience, all required reporting can now be done online! Links are provided at enrollment.
Spiral Academy gives you the flexibility to use whichever curriculum or methodology you want. A nonpublic school must provide a basic academic education and be an active participant in the education process of the children enrolled. Since many of our students use a variety of educational mediums, we request you submit an optional curriculum plan and year-end learning summary. These reports may be as simple or detailed as you want.
We are available to assist you in meeting these requirements.
It is the joint responsibility of students and parents/guardians to ensure that students meet the core academic expectations and develop those talents and interests over the years of school.
The Year End Learning Summary is due two weeks after the end of your academic school year. The default school year ends on July 31, however you may let us know if you have a different ending date. The Year End Learning Summary may be completed through our online report system, submitted by email or mail.
Our online report system makes reports easy. Links are provided at enrollment.